Friday, June 19, 2009

A day trip to Yokohama

I went to Yokohama yesterday by an early Shinkansen to see my Korean friend who has been coming to Japan.
On this Monday she suddenly e-mailed me that now she is in Japan to stay with her Japanese bf, and that made me head east from Osaka. That was a great opportunity!
She and I had lived together for a while in Toronto. We got along well even though the time we two spent was really short. I can't believe that we could meet again like this because I was thinking I may visit her in Korea.
We walked around Yokohama Chinatown, had lunch there and visited Minatomirai station & Red Brick Warehouse. In fact my friend taught me how to transfer trains because this was my first visit to Yokohama and also she got to know about the area during her 1-week stay there. and then people curiously stared us, who were speaking in English. I felt that it was kind of an intercultural experience.

Then I found my favorite cafe at Red Brick Warehouse (picture-right). The name is Chano-ma (literally means "a tea-ceremony room" in Japanese) and it's located on the third floor. It has a lot of restaurant&cafe chains in Tokyo and I've visited many of them (every time I go to Tokyo! I just love them!).
Here in Yokohama we took off the shoes and relaxed on cushions. My friend wondered whether this style originate from Japan or India, but she also love the atmostphere, especially the dim light.
Chano-ma Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Japanese)
I found Yokohama very tidy and it really looks like Kobe. These two cities have similar flavors. I guess it's mainly because both cities are port towns, exotic and have Chinatowns.

I had to go back to Osaka in the early evening unfortunately, it was a hectic day I wanted to watch brilliant night views near the sea... However, on that day I realized that my friends, whom I haven't seen for a long time, are surely existing somewhere in this world and they respectively spend their own lives. It's natural, but I found it fascinating.
I've planned to go to see many friends of mine again in this summer, but this time the very first one was unexpectedly done. I was also supposed to see one of them today if her condition was good.
So next visit will be coming soon next month!