Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer vacation

I had the final class today before an upcoming summer vacation!! but we watched a Russian short movie at a whole classtime wow! I had to remind Russian to travel around Russia........cuz I've heard people don't understand English (maybe at all). Now I'm checking a lot of places in Moscow & St.Peterburg to visit! oh, excited!!
My trip to Eastern Europe will be in September, I'll go to LA in October and might visit Egypt in winter(a friend of mine eagerly asked me to go)lol
need to gain money/////////////

I met a new teacher(老师) at today's Chinese lesson because my regular teacher is now in China for a business trip. We talked a lot in Chinese and I felt I could develop Chinese conversation skills by my continuous 1-year study.
I'll try to know Spanish in this summer! 加油==