Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Я в Японий

I was back from 10-day super-eccentric trip from Russia! It was amazing, but I caught a cold & had a fever right after arriving at Kansai airport. guess I was tired very much.

My cold settled down now but I'm still coughing (plus stuffed-up).

Anyway, I'd like to repeat many times that "I wanna visit there again!!". It was no doubt that there were a great number of difficulties in communications during this trip (we could survive because we know Russian however inexpert it was, and we can read Russian letters best of all).

In Ukraine, many people gazed us while passing by. They can't help being curious about these Asian girls who came to their country for sightseeing. but on the other hand in Helsinki, we met a lot of Japanese tourists and almost all of them gazed us like those in Ukraine. (laughter) ////

ok, look at us if you want....

Thanks to this trip, I became interested in Russian learning again. and wanna go there! ya, but to live? ...If I live for a long time, I'll choose the States or Canada.

I've been thinking about my future life many times recently, it's partly because I'll be one of the Japanese society soon. I have a lot of thing I want to do, really. live in another countries, study in a college, study cooking, marriage, be a translater? I don't know.

I had better not think about it too much. because I know my life is naturally going on well even though I never live my life again.

right? I never expect that I'll go to Russia, study Russian, go to Canada and dream of future life in North America.

These all happened in this four years.

I'm sure I'll be able to meet many unexpected things in the near future.

Life is amazing.