Friday, July 24, 2009


I got this yesterday! I haven't started looking at it yet, but I'll bring it with me on Sunday when I take a train.
I love his songs so much & play them every time I do my part-time job at the restaurant (I can freely use a MD player in the kitchen) My favorite is his ultimate album "Invincible" , especially 'Speechless' in it.

I also got a Yoga-related magazine to remind me how to breathe and move my body. I was doing Bikram yoga for a while in Canada, but I haven't done that after coming to Japan.
I actually joined in a yoga class for beginners here but it was not what I want to do. At the studio in Canada where I went to, when the class is over, instructors usually told us to lie on the floor and relax as long as we find it enough. In Japan, however, they told us to go out from the room soon after class, so that I couldn't relax at all. Next time I do yoga I want to do Bikram's again because I feel it familiar to me.
Unfortunately Bikram's studios are located only in Tokyo area. I want to try it if I'll work there from next year.

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