Monday, October 19, 2009

One of the best Love Song, ever

Many of my friends who celebrated my birthday 2 days ago, thank you all!!
This was the last birthday during my school life, and might be the same that I could have cakes with my whole family at home.
but I don't even know how my life is going on. I have a strong future aim though, I'm bouncing between my current Japanese life and the aim that I really want to achieve in other countries.

Last year one of my friend (she is now back in Toronto, maybe) said to me that she wanted to immigrate to Canada. What made her think so was that she had a lot of warm friends there. She said, "I want to do that cuz I'm sure I can meet and live them together. If I don't have anyone closer there, I'll never think so."

On my birthday a lot of friends sent me messages on facebook or texted me. I realized there are many precious friends of mine and I have to keep respecting them.

and then suddenly I wanted to listen my favorite love song "Too Much Of Everything" by Corneille. This is the song I met in Vancouver by chance. His voice is really sweet as if it fully permeates through my whole body and heals me.

I introduce the lyric here;


※You're too much of everything                 
And I'm just a man                
But you're so many other things       
That only I understand             
You're too much of everything        
And I'm just a man                
But I love you like no other can        
But I love you like no other can        
If I could be perfect                
Only to match one half of you         
Then I would be perfect             
But with nothing else left to prove to you  
How could I deserve you?            


If I was nothing but beautiful           

Inside and out my past included         
Now, wouldn't that be wonderful?        
But I wouldn't have cried and sweat to earn it
To deserve it                     


They say a woman is closer to perfect than a man could ever be 
If there's any truth to that you were born way ahead of me 
Plus you grew to become more than a woman  But this love is gonna make me 
Work myself up to you      
To work myself up to the best of me 


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Я в Японий

I was back from 10-day super-eccentric trip from Russia! It was amazing, but I caught a cold & had a fever right after arriving at Kansai airport. guess I was tired very much.

My cold settled down now but I'm still coughing (plus stuffed-up).

Anyway, I'd like to repeat many times that "I wanna visit there again!!". It was no doubt that there were a great number of difficulties in communications during this trip (we could survive because we know Russian however inexpert it was, and we can read Russian letters best of all).

In Ukraine, many people gazed us while passing by. They can't help being curious about these Asian girls who came to their country for sightseeing. but on the other hand in Helsinki, we met a lot of Japanese tourists and almost all of them gazed us like those in Ukraine. (laughter) ////

ok, look at us if you want....

Thanks to this trip, I became interested in Russian learning again. and wanna go there! ya, but to live? ...If I live for a long time, I'll choose the States or Canada.

I've been thinking about my future life many times recently, it's partly because I'll be one of the Japanese society soon. I have a lot of thing I want to do, really. live in another countries, study in a college, study cooking, marriage, be a translater? I don't know.

I had better not think about it too much. because I know my life is naturally going on well even though I never live my life again.

right? I never expect that I'll go to Russia, study Russian, go to Canada and dream of future life in North America.

These all happened in this four years.

I'm sure I'll be able to meet many unexpected things in the near future.

Life is amazing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer vacation

I had the final class today before an upcoming summer vacation!! but we watched a Russian short movie at a whole classtime wow! I had to remind Russian to travel around Russia........cuz I've heard people don't understand English (maybe at all). Now I'm checking a lot of places in Moscow & St.Peterburg to visit! oh, excited!!
My trip to Eastern Europe will be in September, I'll go to LA in October and might visit Egypt in winter(a friend of mine eagerly asked me to go)lol
need to gain money/////////////

I met a new teacher(老师) at today's Chinese lesson because my regular teacher is now in China for a business trip. We talked a lot in Chinese and I felt I could develop Chinese conversation skills by my continuous 1-year study.
I'll try to know Spanish in this summer! 加油==

Friday, July 24, 2009


I got this yesterday! I haven't started looking at it yet, but I'll bring it with me on Sunday when I take a train.
I love his songs so much & play them every time I do my part-time job at the restaurant (I can freely use a MD player in the kitchen) My favorite is his ultimate album "Invincible" , especially 'Speechless' in it.

I also got a Yoga-related magazine to remind me how to breathe and move my body. I was doing Bikram yoga for a while in Canada, but I haven't done that after coming to Japan.
I actually joined in a yoga class for beginners here but it was not what I want to do. At the studio in Canada where I went to, when the class is over, instructors usually told us to lie on the floor and relax as long as we find it enough. In Japan, however, they told us to go out from the room soon after class, so that I couldn't relax at all. Next time I do yoga I want to do Bikram's again because I feel it familiar to me.
Unfortunately Bikram's studios are located only in Tokyo area. I want to try it if I'll work there from next year.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Я устала...(tired)
I've just finished reviewing my handouts(about Russia's strategic diplomacy with their rich natural resources) for a coming exam in 2 weeks.

I took a day off today and planned to study a lot,
but I couldn't do much coz I finally got an external hard-disk (1 terabyte available!!) and then struggled with data transfer.
I have to learn much more about's going to be my future job.

I also searched how to get to Nagoya without taking Shinkansen.
and it was possible. It takes about 3 hours and a half by train, so I'll get a few books to read on it from Amazon by then (now my interest goes to Mexico, Spanish studies and Hispanic history) wow--excited!!
I can't wait to see my friends in Nagoya!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Craig David - I'm crazy about him

I love R&B music....especially his, Craig David!! (and-Michael Jackson/the ultimate King of pop)

I love music but I'm not a fanatic that goes to concerts many times or thinks I'm not gonna spend time without it.(laughter)
I listen several genres of music if I like em, but among them I've been a big fan of Michael & Craig since in junior high.

I found great videos that Craig David sings MJ's songs.
so good

You are not alone

Interview on Korean KBS2 (first movie is a part of this)
Craig talks about his image of MJ

Friday, June 19, 2009

A day trip to Yokohama

I went to Yokohama yesterday by an early Shinkansen to see my Korean friend who has been coming to Japan.
On this Monday she suddenly e-mailed me that now she is in Japan to stay with her Japanese bf, and that made me head east from Osaka. That was a great opportunity!
She and I had lived together for a while in Toronto. We got along well even though the time we two spent was really short. I can't believe that we could meet again like this because I was thinking I may visit her in Korea.
We walked around Yokohama Chinatown, had lunch there and visited Minatomirai station & Red Brick Warehouse. In fact my friend taught me how to transfer trains because this was my first visit to Yokohama and also she got to know about the area during her 1-week stay there. and then people curiously stared us, who were speaking in English. I felt that it was kind of an intercultural experience.

Then I found my favorite cafe at Red Brick Warehouse (picture-right). The name is Chano-ma (literally means "a tea-ceremony room" in Japanese) and it's located on the third floor. It has a lot of restaurant&cafe chains in Tokyo and I've visited many of them (every time I go to Tokyo! I just love them!).
Here in Yokohama we took off the shoes and relaxed on cushions. My friend wondered whether this style originate from Japan or India, but she also love the atmostphere, especially the dim light.
Chano-ma Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Japanese)
I found Yokohama very tidy and it really looks like Kobe. These two cities have similar flavors. I guess it's mainly because both cities are port towns, exotic and have Chinatowns.

I had to go back to Osaka in the early evening unfortunately, it was a hectic day I wanted to watch brilliant night views near the sea... However, on that day I realized that my friends, whom I haven't seen for a long time, are surely existing somewhere in this world and they respectively spend their own lives. It's natural, but I found it fascinating.
I've planned to go to see many friends of mine again in this summer, but this time the very first one was unexpectedly done. I was also supposed to see one of them today if her condition was good.
So next visit will be coming soon next month!